JavaScript Commission Bot Review – A software and training that I have tested and got results with!
Welcome Readers, If you are here you are looking for a JavaScript Commission Bot Review then you have come to the right place.
Update for June 2021 – I have started a new Instagram profile about my 2 new dogs which will soon lead to a YouTube channel and Website and of course monetizing it all. I remembered that I use this for my other IG account (linked to this site) but have been switching between that and the new one for my dogs and the growth for my dog channel has really exploded in just a week.
You can check out my Dog channel here
My point is that even if you don’t use JavaScript Commission Bot for making money you can really blow up any IG account very quickly!
If you are looking for advice on how to use it and see a real DEMO and see my results then again you are in the right place.
Maybe you are just looking for the best bonuses to go with JavaScript Commission Bot? Well this is the right place for that.
Okay let’s jump in right away!
JavaScript Commission Bot is made up of 2 Google Chrome Extensions and a 13 minute and a 1 minute training videos.
14 minutes does not sound like a lot, does it?
Well for this software or APP or Extensions you only really need that.
Before I tell you more about JavaScript Commission Bot you may see on the sales page that I left a testimonial.
I almost never leave testimonials, but this time because I set up the traffic method, changed 1 link on my Instagram profile and made 4 sales from that link in less than 8 hours I felt that I could happily praise this product.
The last time that I left a video testimonial was over 2 years ago for a traffic software that I am still using, it’s actually running in the background right now. That software was called TrafficZion.
Jono Armstrong and his partner Zeeshan are the guys behind JavaScript Commission Bot and the idea was to make something so simple that anyone can get set up in about 15 minutes and start driving traffic and making affiliate sales.
Lets go over the traffic part first!
What these 2 extensions allow you to do is to find someone who has a lot of followers in your niche on both Instagram and Twitter and then follow those people who will in return be curious who you are and check out your profile and most likely follow you back.
As JavaScript Commission Bot are Chrome extensions Instagram and Twitter even if they change their TOS or do an update the extensions will not stop working.
They also run in the background, all that you have to do is click who you want to follow the followers of and click start and it continues running at a moderate pace, not too fast and not to slow.
If it ran to fast you could get your account into trouble so JavaScript Commission Bot stops and has a rest just like a person would and then continues after a “Sleep”.
Jono and Zeeshan tested and tested to find out the best settings so that it stays running in the background at just the right speed bringing you traffic and growing both your Instagram and Twitter accounts.
Now how did I make 4 sales within 8 hours? (UPDATED – 8 sales from the traffic from Instagram)
If you are on this site you will see that there are a lot of reviews.
I chose a software review that is evergreen but one that I had not had any sales from for Months.
I then added that review post to my Instagram profile and changed my description to say how I use the software.
All of my new followers and people that I had followed clicked on my profile to see who I was and I made 4 sales.
Maybe the easiest sales I have ever made.
What if you don’t have a review site, YouTube channel, eCom store or any offer?
Well that is the next part of JavaScript Commission Bot.
Inside the members area there is a short form that you add your name and affiliate link which you get instant approval for and click generate and the DFY software creates a review video filled with bonuses for either of 2 different products.
Both of the products are best sellers and evergreen and I actually reviewed them on this very site, and if they are on this site that means that they are good products.
People are always looking for a fast way to grow a business or make quick money and I always say that it takes time and hard work!
In the case of JavaScript Commission Bot I was proved wrong.
Even if you do not have an Instagram account of Twitter account you can make one easily and use this software to grow it super quickly.
The Done for You part is great if you are just getting started but if you already have a website or YouTube channel or any offer, even a squeeze page then I truly recommend grabbing this before the price rises.
As I am using this and have gotten great results my final JavaScript Commission Bot Review is that this is easy to set up and runs in the background so is perfect for traffic, building your IG and Twitter, making sales or building your list.
There are a few OTOs, which are your choice to get of course which I have added below.
OTO1 is Javascript Commission Bot Pro Edition (This gives you unlimited everything)
OTO 2 is Javascript Commission Bot DFY Campaigns (This is 7 full campaigns that include review videos, bonus pages and the actual bonuses – If I was going to only get 1 OTO I think that I would get this one)
OTO3 is High Ticket DFY Funnel + Limitless Traffic
List of 40 of the Top Influencers To Follow Their Followers (So if you are interested in the online marketing niche it is not so easy to just think of a HUGE influencer so I did the research for you and have 40 of the biggest names that you should follow the followers of. This took a lot of time and are the people that I am following)
New Age Instagram Marketing (Full PDF training with 12 HD videos that will show you how to grow, use, connect and profit from Instagram. The possibilities of this platform are still very under used, learn how to make the most of it)
New Age Twitter Marketing (main course PDF – Cheat sheet and Mind map + 10 HD videos. Twitter is always changing and to keep up with it and keep driving traffic this is a must have. Together with this new software and this training you will take over Twitter!)
Instagram Traffic Magic (10 HD video course on how to use Instagram, how to drive traffic and get sales from CPA to Affiliate Marketing – You will not believe the potential power of this growing platform!)
Instagram Stories (main course PDF – Cheat sheet – 10 HD videos – Instagram Stories is the latest product released about using Instagram in a way that no one else has been teaching including Instagram Stories Live Trend Toward feature and a complete monetisation strategy. Full course including the OTO video upsell)
Twitter Marketing Excellence (10 HD videos that will finally show you the real potential for using Twitter to create unlimited traffic, sales and leads)
I Will Share a Private 1 on 1 Training Video (I am always building ways to automate my traffic and rankings. This is the best way and can be set up for 10 Dollars. This will give you the power to send traffic wherever you want using the power of social media)
Get JavaScript Commission Bot PLUS ALL Of These Vital Bonuses Above By CLICKING HERE!
You are most welcome dear friend.
NP, thank you!
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